IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

The Role of Central Government in Empowering Scheduled Tribes of India through Tribal Sub-Plan (2014-2020)

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Mr. Manjunatha J, Dr. Shripad Kulkarni


One of India's most remarkable characteristics is its unity amid variety. The world's second-largest tribal population originates in India. According to data from the 2011 Census, 8.9% of India's population is classified as tribal. The indigenous people of the nation have distinctive lives and customs along with rich traditions, cultures, and heritage. The government of India has an unwavering commitment towards the development of Tribal communities. While anticipating the tremendous challenges in developing them, and at the same time conserving their cultural heritage, for a population so diverse and unique in their ways with more than 705 different tribal communities spread across the country, the ministry has envisaged and implemented several initiatives. Funds are allotted by the central government for certain ST development initiatives. These programmes may concentrate on things like infrastructural improvements in tribal regions, skill development programmes, educational scholarships, and assistance for tribal enterprises. Affirmative action is granted to STs by the Indian Constitution under Articles 38, 46, and 275 (1). This ensures that they will have special rights and privileges in legislatures, the workplace, and education. The socio-economic development of STs is the primary focus of policy ideas and implementations by the Ministry of Tribal Affairs. India would undoubtedly change if the Tribal Community, who are at the bottom of the hierarchy, were empowered.

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