IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


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Dr.Sangeeta R Kattimani


The influence of public opinion on foreign policy is a dynamic and multifaceted phenomenon that significantly shapes how governments engage with global affairs. This study explores various dimensions through which public opinion impacts foreign policy decisions, emphasizing its role as both a driver and a constraint in international relations. Public opinion serves as a critical determinant of democratic governance, compelling elected officials to align foreign policy decisions with prevailing domestic sentiments to maintain political legitimacy and electoral support. Media amplification further enhances this influence by framing global issues and shaping public perception, thereby influencing policy agendas and priorities. Polling data provides empirical insights into public attitudes towards international affairs, offering policymakers quantitative feedback that guides decision-making processes. This data not only reflects public preferences but also serves as a barometer of national mood, influencing the timing and direction of foreign policy initiatives. Activism and public demonstrations also play a significant role by mobilizing public support for or against specific foreign policy actions. These movements create pressure on governments to respond to citizen concerns, illustrating the impact of grassroots mobilization in shaping diplomatic strategies and international engagements. Moreover, public opinion influences foreign policy through considerations of legitimacy and support, as governments seek to garner public backing for their actions on the global stage. Economic and social factors further complicate this landscape, with trade interests, humanitarian concerns, and environmental sustainability influencing policy decisions in international relations. In conclusion, understanding the interplay between public opinion and foreign policy is essential for policymakers navigating the complexities of global diplomacy. By engaging with and responding to public sentiment effectively, governments can enhance democratic accountability, legitimacy, and public trust in their handling of international affairs, ultimately shaping policies that resonate with the values and interests of their societies.

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