IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Study on Waste Management and its Significance

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Amit Kumar


Solid wastes are any waste that is solid in nature and is discarded as useless or undesirable as a consequence of human or animal activities. These wastes are increasing every day as a result of population increase, urbanization, and industry. Waste has been a management concern for over four years. Rather of discharging rubbish into the biosphere, an integrated waste management plan is being considered and implemented. Integrated waste management has been defined by the United Nations Environmental Program as a frame work for designing and executing new management of waste, as well as assessing and improving current systems. This paper focused on the management of integrated waste and also discussed the various terms like the importance of waste management, Simple Values of Waste Management and Configuration as well as Arrangement of Waste. With the bulky, odorous trash that is being created in unimaginable numbers all over the globe, the future of waste management is one of the world's largest issues right now.

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