IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


Main Article Content

P. Dhanalakshmi, Dr. K. Lakshmi Sirisha, Dr. Siva Sankar Mandal Baidya, Dr. P. Jayalakshmi


Since independence (1947), achieving food security has been a major goal of our country. Due to the Bengal Famine created awareness of the need for paying priority attention to the elimination of hunger. Food is the basic need to every human being in the World. One of the most important areas that should be targeted is nutrition. It is the most basic facets of human life.. Foundations of long-term economic development are based on a well-nourished society. Fighting with malnourishment is also one of the most effective tools to empower people left behind to participate in the growth process in the country. The economic advantages of investing in proper nutrition are several: improving nutritional outcomes would help in controlling diseases, reduce infant and maternal mortality, empower women, break the vicious cycles of malnutrition, improve worker productivity and even improve learning outcomes for students. The main objective of this research paper is to examine the multifaceted economic consequences of women and childhood malnutrition in India. It delves into the intricate relationship between childhood malnutrition and various aspects of the Indian economy, including labour productivity, educational outcomes, intergenerational poverty, healthcare costs, and national economic growth. The paper highlights how childhood malnutrition affects the physical and cognitive development of individuals, resulting in reduced labour productivity and limited access to quality education and employment opportunities. The findings underscore the urgent need for comprehensive interventions and policy reforms to address childhood malnutrition as a critical driver of economic disparities and impediments to national development in India.

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