IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

"Social Work and Public Health: The study in Sociology"

Main Article Content

Sheela M. Tubuchi


My paper analysis that, In sociology, The practice-based field of social work advocates for social growth, cohesiveness, and individual and community empowerment. Understanding human behaviour and development as well as social, economic, and cultural structures and relationships is necessary for social work. Professionally educated social workers have assisted individuals in addressing social and personal variables that impact health and wellness since the early 1900s. Understanding people in society and working to improve their lives are at the core of social work. Social workers assist individuals in coping and enhancing their quality of life by listening to their needs, whether they are young children or individuals battling addiction. Certain health care social workers focus on helping individuals, families, and small groups while providing direct assistance. Others are employed in environments that prioritise administration, planning, and policy. Social workers may carry out research, create programmes, and oversee social work and other departments in a healthcare setting.

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