IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Social Ecology and Ecofeminism in the poems of Jayanta Mahapatra: An Ecocritical Study

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Dr. Ranjit G


‘Ecocriticism’ has been used as a tool to understand poems in an ecological perspective and discusses the author's works in a theoretical framework. ‘Green Studies’ have relentlessly demanded a balance in the ecosystem and an in-depth analysis of its justice rewarded, is proposed to understand environmental survival. Environmental Studies have been a revelation since the early twentieth century and it is also termed as ‘Green Studies’. It was Cheryll Glotfelty, who coined the word ‘Ecocriticism’ in her seminal work Introduction to Ecocriticism Reader Social Ecology is an approach that highlights the impact of social rules and regulations on environmental sustenance. It also refers to the alarming crisis of the environment through deforestation, sexism and racism. Ecofeminism is one of the praxes of ecocriticism that views nature as an embodiment of the female body. It has helped the critics to view ecology from a feministic perspective. The ecocritical praxes has been probed in detail with the works of Jayanta Mahapatra- an Indo-Anglican writer from Orissa, India.

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