IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Slide Rule: Utilizing Multi-Touch Interaction Techniques to Make Mobile Touch Screens Accessible to Blind People

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Manish Joshi


Ongoing progressions in touch screen innovation have supported the utilization of touch shows and prodded the improvement of a large number of new touch screen-based contraptions. Contact shows, then again, remain commonly inaccessible to dazzle clients, who should depend on mistake inclined remunerating strategies or search out available other options. Collaboration strategies that require the client to outwardly distinguish things on the screen are to be faulted for this unavailability. To tackle this issue, we give Slide Rule, a bunch of sound based multi-contact communication strategies that permit blind individuals to use contact screens. We examine Slide Rule's plan, collaboration strategies, and a client research in which ten visually impaired people utilized Slide Rule and a button-based Pocket PC screen peruser. Slide Rule was demonstrated to be significantly speedier than the button-based technique, and 7 out of 10 clients favored it. While using Slide Rule, be that as it may, clients spread the word about additional missteps than while utilizing the more button-based technique.

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