IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


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This article delves into the literary realm of Shobha De, a prominent figure in Indian literature, to unravel the intricacies of the female psyche through the lens of intertextuality. Beginning with an exploration of Shobha De's background and her contribution to literature, the study navigates the concept of intertextuality, emphasizing its role in shaping narratives. Focused analyses of selected novels shed light on how intertextuality influences the portrayal of female characters, examining the nuances and layers added to their personas. Through a comparative lens, the article draws connections between Shobha De's works and the broader literary landscape, investigating the impact of intertextuality on the depiction of the female psyche. Critical insights and the reception of De's intertextual approach are considered, providing a comprehensive examination of the interconnected elements that contribute to a rich understanding of the female experience in Shobha De's literary canvas. In this exploration of Shobha De's literary landscape, this article probes the intricate tapestry of the female psyche through the lens of intertextuality. Offering a backdrop on De's literary journey and her significance, the study unveils the layers of meaning intertextuality adds to her narratives. By dissecting selected novels, the analysis delves into how intertextuality weaves a dynamic narrative, molding the essence of female characters in unique ways. Through comparative analysis, the article illuminates the dialogues between De's works and broader literary influences, dissecting the subtle threads that intricately shape the female psyche. A scrutiny of critical reception further adds depth, shedding light on the impact and resonance of De's intertextual approach in portraying the complexities of the female experience. This article aims to be a comprehensive exploration, revealing the profound implications of intertextuality in unraveling the multifaceted nature of the female psyche within Shobha De's literary realm.

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