IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Review and Analysis of Volatile Organic Compounds for Air Quality Monitoring

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Bhagyashree Suhane, Dr Pranjali Shinde


This review provides a comprehensive analysis of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in air quality monitoring. VOCs are significant pollutants due to their role in air quality degradation and potential health impacts. The review begins by outlining the sources and types of VOCs commonly monitored, including anthropogenic and natural sources. It discusses the analytical techniques used for VOC detection and quantification, emphasizing advancements such as gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and portable sensors. the review examines the regulatory framework governing VOC emissions, highlighting global initiatives and standards aimed at mitigating their environmental and health effects. Case studies and research findings illustrate the diverse applications of VOC monitoring in urban and industrial settings, offering insights into pollutant trends and spatial variations. the review addresses challenges in VOC monitoring, including calibration issues and the need for standardized sampling protocols. It concludes with future directions for VOC research, emphasizing the integration of emerging technologies and interdisciplinary approaches to enhance air quality assessment and management strategies.

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