IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


Main Article Content

Shashi Bhushan


Child labor, the exploitation of children under a certain age for economic gain, remains a persistent global stain. It traps millions in a cycle of poverty, robbing them of education, health, and a normal childhood. This paper will explore the economic factors driving child labor and the devastating consequences it has on the children's well-being and their future economic prospects. Child labor, the exploitation of children under a certain age for economic gain, remains a persistent global stain. It traps millions in a cycle of poverty, robbing them of education, health, and a normal childhood. This paper will explore the economic factors driving child labor and the devastating consequences it has on the children's well-being and their future economic prospects. Lack of access to quality education further fuels child labor. In areas with limited or expensive schooling, children are seen as more valuable contributors to the household if they work. Additionally, some industries thrive on child labor because children are cheaper, more compliant, and less likely to unionize. This creates a perverse economic incentive for employers to exploit children.

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