IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Poverty and the Right to Food and Nutrition: A Study of the Beggars

Main Article Content

Harpreet Singh , Satnam Singh Deol


The study is based on the research problem of the quality of food, water and nutrition consumed as per their daily dietary routine by beggars. India’s Punjab state has been selected as the universe of the Study. On the bases of empirical observations collected through quantitative as well as qualitative research methods, the study presents the findings that beggars do not have any choice of food. Moreover, food for them is not a diet, but merely a means to satisfy their hunger howsoever. Therefore, there is lack of nutrition as well as hygiene in the food available to beggars. Further, most of the beggars do not have any choice but to drink contaminated water.

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