IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Phytopharmacology Studies of Ulmaceae

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Balasubramanian A, Subramonian K, Saravana Ganthi A


In spite of recent advance in analytical techniques of modern medicine, in India and even western countries the traditional medicine is still the major form of treating diseases of majority of people. The number of people using one form or another of complementary of alternative medicine is rapidly increasing worldwide. The family Ulmaceae included in core eudicots. Species form this family economically used as timber, making ropes and traditional medicine. Bioactive compounds of Ulmaceae are moderately strong accumulators of polyphenolic compounds, derivatives of caffeic acid, catechins, pro-anthocyanidins, flavonols and condensed tannins seem to occur more or less ubiquiteous in leaves, fruits, barks and woods. The present review discussed about the phytopharmacology studies of family Ulmaceae.

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