IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Patanjali Ayurved: The Edifice of an FMCG Brand

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Dr. Neelam Kalla,Dr. Hemaprabha Purohit


In the milieu, Patanjali Ayurved has conceivably appeared as the fastest-growing FMCG firm in India with growing revenues year by year. The firm spreads through numerous categories of food and personal care products. The ability of the firm to bag impressive sales growth figures setting the stage for a fresh battle of brands in the FMCG sector is one area that has fascinated corporate, research, and academia. The study deliberates the concept of a brand prism with help of Patanjali Ayurved in detail, which distinguishes it from its competitors. The study also extends the potential strategies that can help the firm in combating the challenges faced by it for a long and can certainly prove catastrophic for its rising success.

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