IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


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N.Devender , M.Sanjuda, P.Sindu, Md.Adil, P.Swathi, Dr.V .Ramdas


Online seeds portal designed to uprising the agricultural landscape. Our platform offers a comprehensive range of high-quality seeds, including traditional and genetically modified varieties for farming needs. With a user-friendly interface and expert guidance from medical agronomist, farmers can access detailed information about each seed variety, including optimal planting conditions and yield potential.Our portal goes beyond just selling seeds, it serves as a knowledge hub, providing description and best practices to help farmers maximize their crop productivity sustainably.The study evaluates the platform's impact on farmers' and customers' ability to procure seeds conveniently and access essential information for cultivation. A quantitative approach is employed, utilizing surveys and data analysis techniques to measure user satisfaction, accessibility, and overall effectiveness of the portal. Additionally, qualitative insights are gathered through interviews and user feedback to provide a comprehensive understanding of the platform's performance. Results are analyzed to identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement, ensuring the development of a robust and user-centric online agricultural ecosystem.

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