IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Moonlighting effect of employees in IT sector

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Gazala Mudassar Khan, Shweta Bapat


Moonlighting among IT professionals has emerged as a prevalent practice in contemporary work environments, driven by various factors such as financial motivations and career development opportunities. This study investigates the impact of moonlighting on financial satisfaction and skill diversity among IT professionals, aiming to provide insights into its implications for both individuals and organizations. A quantitative approach was employed, gathering data from 256 respondents through structured questionnaires. The findings reveal that IT professionals who engage in moonlighting perceive higher levels of financial satisfaction, attributing this to additional income and enhanced financial security. Moreover, moonlighting was found to significantly contribute to skill diversity by exposing individuals to a wide range of experiences and networking opportunities within the industry. These findings underscore the dual benefits of moonlighting—financial enhancement and career enrichment— while highlighting the need for organizations to adopt flexible policies that accommodate and harness these practices effectively. Future research could explore longitudinal impacts and organizational dynamics further to better inform strategies that support the evolving needs of IT professionals in a competitive global landscape.

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