IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Maternal Health And Family Planning Uses In Assam: A Secondary Data Level Analysis

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Dr. Gobinda Sarma


Maternal health has been a major cause of concern across the globe since decades. Though there is significant improvement in the health issues of women during pregnancy, low income countries including India exhibit high rate of maternal morbidity. This paper examines the socio-economic factors influencing maternal health. The level of maternal health measured by Child Ever Born (CEB) also accounts very high and present similar district wise variation. The CEB level among ever married woman varies by various characteristics like age of the ever married women, place of residence, educational attainment, religions, social groups, and wealth quintiles. In general, CEB is found to be varying negatively with socio-economic status and positively with age of a woman. The paper also examined pattern of contraceptive uses and the factors affecting its uses. Knowledge about family planning method is found almost universal. The percentage of women knowing any type of contraceptive method account 98.6 percent. There were only some districts like Dhubri, Sibsagar and Golaghat lags marginally with accounting rates of 94.4, 95 and 95.5 percent correspondingly. However, contraceptive prevalence rate (CPR)-the percentage of currently married women using any type of contraceptive method is found low.

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