IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Impact of Good Governance on Social and Economic Development in the State of Telangana

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Dr. A. Lakshmi


This study's objective was to evaluate the influence of effective governance on Telangana state's social and economic development. The specific goals were to ascertain the influence of good governance on social and economic development brought about by the Telangana state Governance Board, analyse the difficulties that good governance faces for social and economic development at the Telangana state Governance Board, and establish a link between good governance and social-economic development in Telangana state. A case study was defined as an analysis of the impact of good governance on social and economic development in Telangana state, assuming that the researcher gained knowledge about the subject under review from in-depth exploration of a single case. This study was designed as a case study of Telangana state Governance Board using the survey method. It was qualitative analysis, which entails meticulous situational observation. All respondents who filled out research questionnaires from the population in various sectors. In terms of this study, the population consisted of 145 employees, administrators, and policy makers from Telangana state Governance Board, and the researcher employed questionnaires to collect data. a study's target population is the area of interest from which generalizations about the research findings were drawn. Consequently, a sample size of 60 respondents, including residents and employees from three different sectors, was deemed to be representative of the general populace.

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