IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


Main Article Content

Ashok Kumar Deo


Climate change looms large as a defining challenge of our era. In this critical scenario, organic agriculture emerges as a potential ally, offering a more sustainable approach to food production that can help mitigate climate change through several key mechanisms. Firstly, organic practices promote carbon sequestration, the process of capturing and storing atmospheric carbon dioxide. Healthy soils, rich in organic matter, act as natural carbon sinks. Organic farming techniques like cover cropping, composting, and crop rotation nurture soil health, fostering the growth of beneficial microbes and increasing organic matter content. This, in turn, enhances the soil's ability to absorb and store carbon dioxide, a key greenhouse gas. Secondly, organic agriculture reduces greenhouse gas emissions. Conventional agriculture relies heavily on synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, both of which are significant contributors to greenhouse gas production. Manufacturing these chemicals requires large amounts of fossil fuels, releasing emissions during the production process. Additionally, the application of synthetic fertilizers can lead to nitrous oxide release, a potent greenhouse gas. By eliminating these inputs, organic farming minimizes its overall carbon footprint.

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