IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


Main Article Content

Naresh Singh


Climate change, primarily driven by greenhouse gas emissions, traps heat in the atmosphere. This warming trend manifests in more frequent and intense heat waves. During these extended periods of scorching temperatures, the human body struggles to cool itself down. When sweating becomes insufficient, core body temperature rises rapidly, leading to heat stroke – a potentially fatal condition. The increased risk of heat stroke is just one facet of the problem. Heat waves can exacerbate existing health issues, strain healthcare systems, and disproportionately impact vulnerable populations like the elderly and young children. Furthermore, extreme heat can worsen air quality, leading to respiratory problems. The impact extends beyond human health. Heat waves can trigger droughts, disrupt agricultural production, and damage ecosystems. Rising temperatures can disrupt animal migration patterns and threaten the survival of heat-sensitive species.

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