IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Geographical Study of Primary Schools In Vengurla Tahsil

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Prof. Kamlesh R Kamble


Primary education is an essential stage in educational system. Lots of efforts are being taken by governmental and NGO‟s for improvement of Primary education in our agro based Country. Geographical Positioning of the villages and primary schools also affect the qualitative and quantitative aspects of the primary education. The physical barriers may include the rivers, high rainfall, remoteness from the district place and urban areas etc. If we want to overcome all the geographical obstacles coming in the primary education we must study the position of primary schools. India is having a geographical diversity. We can understand the possibly in path of educational depot through the study of physiographic and educational status. This research will be useful to improve the quality of educational standard at rural areas. Primary education in rural area is less developed. The predominant factors which determine the position of primary education are unproductive land, less availability of employment, rare income source, poor transportation facility, illiterate parents. Private resources for promoting Primary education are minimal to non-existent. Single teacher schools, most of them with just a single room, are unable to provide even the basic environment for learning. Lack of adequate classroom facilities means that, children from different age groups typically seat in the same classroom, leading to boredom and disinterest to learn. We succeed to find the correlation between all these geographical factors and the teachers-students availability in the school; it will help the administration to take needful steps in case of primary education in near future. In present research and attempt has been made to indicate geography and education for betterment of primary education

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