IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Friction Stir Welding Equipment Optimisation

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D.Jakeer Hussain, U.Dinesh Kumar


Friction-stir welding, or FSW for short, is a technique for combining controlled surfaces that uses an external tool in place of melting steel. This method falls under the category of solid-state joining. The gadget and some of the cloth generate heat, which leads to a rather straightforward positioning near the FSW instrument. Subsequently, the two metal quantities are mechanically mixed in the joint area. Next, using mechanical force (given via the device's mechanism), which is comparable to connecting dough or clay, the metal—which has softened due to the elevated temperature—may be joined. The circular tool we constructed for this project revolved at 1000 revolutions per minute after introducing thermal (temperatures and convection on plates and device additionally) and static (device rotational tempo of 1000 rpm) boundary conditions. and the calculated findings, which include a wide range of topics including warmth flow and deformation pressure. Three other gears in the shapes of a pentagon, a tapering pentagon, and a truncated pentagon were also built in this research. To ascertain which device may be used in lieu of a spherical device, we performed the identical boundary condition with the same material characteristics and calculated all of the findings from these sorts of outcomes.

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