IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Economics of Kesar mango production in export zone of Marathwada region of Maharashtra

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S.V. Jawale, Ghulghule J.N.


Kesar is one of the finest varieties of Indian mangoes and is rated to be the best at the home and abroad. Productivity is influenced due to social and economic factors.The study is based on farm level primary data collected from 60 sample kesar mango growers of export zone of Marathwada region, who registered their orchard for export.The data pertained to year 2010-11.It is observed from the analysis that, per hectare hired human labour required for maintenance of adult mango orchard was 147.78 man days while family human labour was 22.89 man days. The per hectare total cost of cultivation (cost C) of adult mango orchards worked out Rs. 256823.20 in which share of Cost A was 56.04 per cent and Cost B was 98.93 per cent. Kesar mango production was labour as well as capital intensive. It was observed that per hectare gross return was Rs. 403250.00 from the kesar mango orchard. Output input ratio was 1.57 from kesar mango orchard which indicated the mango production was profitable in the study area. Effect of heavy rains, winds and hail stone during flowering and fruit setting time,Problem of scarcity of labour with high wage rate, irregular electricity supply were formed the crux of the cultivation problems of growers. This may be partly due to the reason that kesar mango cultivation was subsidiary enterprise of the sample farmers and beings perennail crop. Suggestions given by kesar mango growers in regard to production of kesar mango were the provision of electricity supply on time, state government should provide margin money at the time of establishment on minimum interest, state department of agriculture should provide the drip irrigation facilities on lower cost.

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