IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


Main Article Content

Mukesh Kumar


Earthquakes, the violent tremors caused by the Earth's tectonic plates grinding against each other, are a constant threat to many regions around the world. These areas, shaped by the dynamic forces beneath our feet, are susceptible to a terrifying display of nature's power. This paper will explore the geographical distribution of earthquake-prone zones and the devastating effects they can have on human life and infrastructure. The earth's crust is divided into giant, jigsaw-puzzle-like plates. The boundaries between these plates, known as fault lines, are the hotspots for earthquake activity. The famed "Ring of Fire," a horseshoe-shaped zone around the Pacific Ocean, is a prime example. This region encompasses countries like Japan, Indonesia, and Chile, all notorious for their frequent and powerful earthquakes. Similarly, the Mediterranean and Himalayan regions are also seismically active due to colliding tectonic plates. The effects of earthquakes are as diverse as their locations. The most immediate consequence is the violent shaking of the ground, which can cause buildings to crumble, roads to buckle, and landslides to erupt. Entire cities can be reduced to rubble in a matter of minutes, leaving a trail of destruction and loss of life. Fires often erupt due to damaged electrical lines and gas leaks, compounding the chaos.

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