IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


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In our, India was the most civilized and prosperous country in the world.The visions are created by the excellent leaders in the different filed politics, industry, science and technology. Dr. Kalam quoted that “Enhancing agriculture productivity is the key for agro-food processing and related industrial, manufacturing and service sector growth”. This article brings into sharp relief the combination of Dr. Kalam’s vision and his recent keynote addresses and proceedings of convocations at Indian agricultural institutions (2014-2015) on sustainable Indian agriculture with his passion for farmer development not just for India but for all nations. Kalam turned vegetarian when he joined Saint Joseph's College, Tiruchirappalli in 1950. As a scholarship student, he couldn't afford to eat meat or fish. He started liking the diet and became a vegetarian by choice. In his own words - "Economy forced me to become a vegetarian, but I finally starting liking it. Today I am 100 per cent vegetarian. Wherever I go, as long as I get a hot vegetable dish, I am okay. If I am in Gujarat, I have Gujarati food, if it's Shillong, it's northeastern. "Education is the pillar of our nation. The knowledge society to make a good country in every aspect.The improvement of agriculture and food processing can lead the food security and safety to the people. The infrastructure is the crucial role of our nation. The nation's power and security system is a major role in the growth.The first revelation of India gets a self-sufficient product of food. The food materials are cereals, vegetables and fruits.The development of sensors in the mechanical system the impact of electronics may well be developed through the functional system.

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