IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


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Sudhir Kumar Singh


The worlds of Vedic mathematics and modern mathematics, though separated by centuries of development, share a fascinating correlation. Vedic mathematics, a system of calculation with roots in ancient India, offers a unique perspective that can complement and enhance our understanding of modern mathematical concepts. Vedic mathematics, "rediscovered" in the early 20th century, relies on a collection of 16 sutras (formulae) and 13 (sub-formulae) to perform arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and even calculus. These sutras emphasize mental calculation and problem-solving through techniques like splitting numbers, rearrangement, and one-place adjustments. The correlation between Vedic and modern mathematics lies not in identical formulas, but in a shared focus on core principles. Both systems emphasize logical reasoning and finding efficient solutions. Modern mathematics delves into complex proofs and justifications, while Vedic mathematics offers a more intuitive approach, breaking down problems into manageable steps.

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