IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Consequence of Noise Pollution and its Bearing on Health’s

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Dr Akshay Jain


Noise pollution is described as any undesired or uncomfortable sound that has a negative impact on human and animal health and well-being. Environmental pollution is a major worldwide problem with serious consequences for human, animal, and ecological health. This article provides a concise review of the health impacts of noise as an environmental contaminant on people, including diseases and challenges. These pollutants, according to the research, not only impact individuals by producing diseases and problems, but they also destroy biodiversity. Cities throughout the globe have transformed not just in magnitude but also in terms of living circumstances, thanks to tremendous advances in science and technology. This promotes awareness of the issue of noise pollution, which is an everyday occurrence. It's done via studies that measure the amount of damage caused by noise from a range of natural and man-made sources, including traffic. All people, including humans and animals, are affected by noise on a physical, mental, emotional, and psychic level. This is a potential danger to the expectations of safe living conditions, and it should be looked into in court. In this paper, the authors discuss the origins of noise pollution as well as its effects on the environment and health. The long-term objective of this project is for people to understand both the detrimental bearings of noise pollution as well as the significance of noise pollution management and prevention techniques.

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