IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


Main Article Content

Abhishek Kumar


India, the world's largest democracy, faces a complex web of challenges that threaten to impede its progress and stability. These challenges range from deeprooted social divisions to issues of governance and economic disparity. Understanding these complexities is crucial for navigating India's political landscape. One of the most persistent issues is communalism and caste-based politics. The legacy of the caste system and religious differences can be exploited by politicians for electoral gains, leading to social friction and violence. This undermines the idea of a united India and hinders development efforts aimed at uplifting all sections of society. Corruption is another major challenge, eroding public trust in institutions and hindering effective policy implementation. Bureaucratic red tape and a lack of transparency create opportunities for graft, discouraging investment and slowing economic growth. Political polarization is on the rise, fueled by social media and ideological divides. This makes it difficult for parties to find common ground and forge consensus on critical issues. As a result, important legislation can get stalled, and the focus shifts towards political point-scoring rather than problem-solving.

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