IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


Main Article Content

Sahil, Dr. Vinod Kumar Bishnoi


Haryana is primarily an agricultural state. About 70% of residents are engaged in agriculture. Information and communication technology (ICT) is an important medium for accessing and transmitting information. Given the speed at which ICT is developing globally, it is very imperative for the state like Haryana which is self-sufficient in food production and the second largest contributor to India's central pool of food grains to remain updated with the new technologies, especially in the agricultural and rural sectors. Even with continuous efforts to further ICT development, there are significant obstacles to its practical use in rural Haryana. The goal of the study is to investigate the barriers preventing rural Haryana from embracing ICT applications. Data collection, mostly via surveys and interviews, served as the foundation for SPSS analysis. The results point to a less than ideal situation for ICT adoption in rural Haryana, as mobile phone use trumps other ICT forms in the agricultural sector. These results are consistent with studies conducted in comparable areas, highlighting common issues such as financial limitations, insufficient support from the government, loose implementation of ICT regulations, poor infrastructure, insufficient knowledge and information regarding ICT in agriculture, limited internet accessibility, poverty and resistance to change. The study's recommendation for increased government and stakeholder commitment to promote and improve the integration of ICT techniques in agricultural processes is made in its conclusion. Respondents to the survey suggest a number of actions, such as developing a strong ICT policy, improving ICT infrastructure and supplying electricity and ICT resources to all of Haryana's rural areas. These initiatives are essential in closing the current gap and accelerating the integration of ICT into Haryana's agricultural sector, which would guarantee sustainable development.

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