IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Challenges in front of Indian Democracy

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Dr.Santram Prabhakar Mundhe


India is recognized as the largest democracy in the world. It first became a democratic country post-independence, in 1947. After this, every citizen of India was given the mere right for electing and voting their leaders. India gives every citizen the right to vote, irrespective of their colour, caste, religion, creed, and even gender. It consists of five democratic principles. These include- socialist, secular, sovereign, democratic, and even republic. Thus, in Indian, democracy is all about offering every citizen the right to vote for running the country. Although evidence of democracy is found in the Vedic period of ancient India by the presence of organizations like Sabha, Samiti and some republics. But the role of four revolutions, England's Bloodless Revolution of 1688, the American Revolution of 1776, the French Revolution of 1789, and the Industrial Revolution of the 19th century prevailed in stabilizing the present form of democracy. The glorious revolution of England ensured that Parliament should be approved against the backdrop of administrative policy and state laws. After years of colonial rule, India has also accepted parliamentary democracy.

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