IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Blockchain intelligence's semantic analysis and a suggested issue list

Main Article Content

Rashi Saxena,K saikumar
» doi: 10.48047/ijfans/v10/si2/38


Integrating blockchain technology with artifi- cial intelligence (AI) i.e., blockchain Intelligence makes an extremely powerful tool that solves many multidimensional problems in several domains. Blockchain technology has the potential to provide links to shared data, transactions, and records in a decentralized, safe, and reliable manner, includ- ing the information and decision-making capability of AI which makes machines similar as capable as humans. This study is intended to present an updated systematic review of the integration of Blockchain and AI in various applica- tion areas. We have studied and summarized more than 100 research papers to present an updated version of the review. We also discuss the future of Blockchain technologies with AI. By integrating these two technologies results increases the security, efficiency, and productivity of the applications. Past works feature a few possible advantages of integration of Blockchain and AI, yet just give a restricted hypotheti- cal system to depict forthcoming certifiable combination instances of the two advances. We survey and orchestrate surviving exploration on the integration of AI and Block- chain are other ways around to thoroughly build up a future research plan on the fusion of the two innovations

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