IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


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Y. Vijay Jawahar Paul,N.Raju,O.Mohan,B.Anusha


Clean Bot is a smart phone-controlled floor cleaning robot which cleans a dirty floor automatically using a set of commands given to your device by a smart phone. Clean Bot has two modes of cleaning – Mopping and Wiping. These two variations can be dedicatedly used in various applications in the cleaning industry and can break the manual labor in terms of cleaning is concerned. The device communicates through Bluetooth technology via a HC05 Bluetooth module that will be used to exchange commands to the microcontroller -Arduino UNO. The robot is given power by a 12V lead-acid battery, the apt voltage requirement used for all motors here. The driver motors uses 150 rpm type while the run with mops 60rpm plastic geared motors attached.

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