IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Assessment of improvement of nutritional status with Homoeopathic medicines in malnutrition in children of age group 1-5 years - a crossover study

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Dr. Anjan Roy, Dr. Amiya Nand Dev Goswami, Dr. Rupali Bhaduri


Malnutrition is one of the most prevalent chronic health challenges encountered in childhood. The prevalence of this condition is far more than any other diseases encountered in children. Objectives: With a leading incidence in Udaipur, Rajasthan we intended to seek if this problem could be answered through Homoeopathic constitutional treatment. Materials and methods: The project took a total duration of 3 yrs to assess 120 malnourished children around the city and villages of Udaipur. Constitutional Homoeopathic medicines with proper diet management and education of parents were advised. Weight was the main anthropometric parameter monitored as primary objectives. Results: Improvement was noticed in both the case and control group, but it was more significant in case group with time duration. Infections were better controlled in case group or in cross over case group than its other counterpart. Conclusion: Homoeopathic Treatment was effective in managing the nutritional status of malnourished children aged 1-5 yrs with Z-score between –2SD to –3SD that was not due to dietary deficiency.

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