IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

An Analytical Study on Remedies Available for Breach of E-Contracts in India

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Prem M. Soni, Dr. F. W. Niranjane


The recent growth of information technology changes the living standard of people. ecommerce has made significant progress and numerous issues are fathomed through the utilize of e-commerce. Thanks to e-commerce, communication has expanded beyond geographical limits, enabling faster and wider transmission of information than ever before. E-commerce involves commercial transactions through electronic means and encompasses the buying and selling of data, goods, and services through computer-based communication networks. However, e-commerce is a comprehensive concept that encompasses not only electronic data exchange but also other communication forms like e-mail and electronic notice boards. Nowadays many people use the e-commerce for communication, information sharing, entertainment but the most common use is buying over the e platform. Most of the people uses the e commerce platform for buying many things and for that they enter into contract with the seller over the e platform here the e-contract emerges.

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