IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


Main Article Content

Meena, Dr. Naresh Kumar


The study delves into the multifaceted persona of Sumit Antil, assessing his prowess as a javelin thrower, his role as a motivator and role model, and his enduring impact on the sporting world. Through comprehensive opinion rating surveys, insights are gleaned into Antil's exceptional character, athletic abilities, and influential presence in inspiring athletes and individuals alike. The comprehensive methodology employed in evaluating Sumit Antil's personality, skills as a javelin thrower, role as a motivator, and his standing as a role model provided rich insights into his character and impact within the realm of sports. Through meticulously crafted opinion rating surveys, perspectives from a diverse range of stakeholders including teammates, coaches, contemporaries, and the wider public were solicited and analyzed, resulting in a nuanced understanding of Sumit Antil's contributions to the sporting world. Across all facets examined, Sumit Antil emerged as a figure widely revered and admired. His exceptional talent as a javelin thrower was evident, underscored by his dedication to physical fitness and his ability to lead by example on the field. Moreover, his role as a motivator and inspirer of fellow athletes was highlighted, with respondents consistently praising his ability to uplift and encourage through his words and actions. As a role model, Sumit Antil exemplified the qualities of integrity, sincerity, and dedication, garnering admiration for his unwavering commitment to his craft and his willingness to support and mentor others in their athletic endeavors. His impact extended beyond the confines of sports, serving as an inspiration to aspiring athletes and individuals striving for excellence in their respective fields. In conclusion, the findings from the surveys affirm Sumit Antil's status as a highly respected and influential figure in the world of sports. His exemplary character, outstanding athletic abilities, and dedication to uplifting those around him make him not only a standout performer but also a beacon of inspiration for future generations of athletes.

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