IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

A Survey on Denial of ServiceAttacks on Application Layer

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The goal of security is to safeguard assets. Defense, detection, and deterrent are all elements of security that may be used to any scenario. Hardware, Information, as well as software on a computer network are all protected by network security. Attacks that create a denial of service (DoS) have a significant effect on the online world. The goal of these assaults is to prevent genuine users from accessing services. Attackers may quickly drain a victim's resources by exploiting computer weaknesses. To counter DOS assaults, a number of unique methods have been created. To address security issues, some companies create a variety of defensive mechanisms. The different kinds of attacks and solutions connected with each layer of the OSI model have been presented in this article. The effects of these assaults and remedies vary depending on the context. As a result, the fast development of new technology may result in even worse assaults in the future.

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