IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

A Study on Financial Analysis and Performance of Agricultural Production System of Selected Commodities in Maharashtra

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DR. H. B. Tipe, Santosh P. Mane


Every state plays a major role in India's economic development. Know Top 3 Crop Producing States in India Uttar Pradesh is the top agricultural state in India with state-level crop production including millets, rice, sugarcane, food grains and many others. Attracting and growing businesses strengthens our economy by providing locally produced goods and services. Strong businesses pay taxes for important services like schools, roads, fire and police. Economic progress is possible without development. That means an increase in GDP, but most people see no real improvement in living standards. This may be due to: Economic growth can only benefit a small percentage of the population. Without a good understanding of economics, people may unknowingly make irrational decisions. For example, people buy goods when they buy them, even if they don't normally buy the goods, even at the sale price. Economics helps to eliminate these errors by teaching the right decision making

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