IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

A study of secondary schools with low academic achievement in Anand District Synopsis of the study

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Dr. Reena N Vahora


Today's era is the era of knowledge explosion. The directions of knowledge are increasing day by day. Most states in India are committed to radical change in the education sector. Education plays the most important part in the development of any nation, society or individual. Economic development has also taken place at a good rate in the countries of the world which are educationally prosperous. If there is an effective way to know the impact of such changing trends on students and their reactions, it is the results of examinations. Today we see that the results of many schools are extremely poor. Only few schools bring good results. So which factors are responsible for this? As the school examination has been given the form of board examinations and future studies and future careers are based on this result, the results have taken the form of reputation for both the students and the schools, resulting in an educational process. SSC in our state of Gujarat. Board exam results have been low for several years and there are some state schools that have less than 30% results for several years. What is the reason for the low academic achievement of such schools? If it is known that the SSC students who are currently studying that attitude of the prospective students got a positive boost. From this point of view, some areas of Anand district are backward, there are very few well-equipped schools in such areas, as a result, principals and teachers have to face difficulties in teaching in this area. The researcher is encouraged to do such a study with the intention of finding out the responsible factors behind some of these reasons and suggesting to get good results by eliminating them. Also, since the researcher is also connected with the education world, the research was inspired and conducted from the information obtained from his own experiences, observations and conversations with other teachers. The present study was based on the views of school principals and teachers serving in the academic year 2021-22 of secondary schools in Anand district. The study conducted a survey on school principals and teachers serving in the academic year 2021-22 of secondary schools of Anand district by randomly selecting them. Information was obtained from 15 principals and 35 teachers. A structured questionnaire was designed by the researcher for data collection in the present study. After doing this, the available data was analyzed by appropriate statistical method and the data obtained was analyzed and interpreted by tabulation. Based on the interpretation, the findings of this were drawn.

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