IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


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Niranjan Babu Mudduluru, Mallikarjuna Gandla, Thousif Moghal


Diabetes mellitus (DM), commonly referred to as diabetes, encompasses a group of metabolic disorders characterized by elevated blood sugar levels. This condition arises either due to insufficient insulin production by the body or the inability of cells to respond adequately to insulin. The classic symptoms include polyuria (frequent urination), polydipsia (increased thirst), and polyphagia (increased hunger). Traditionally, diabetes is categorized into three main types: Type 1 DM, also known as insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM), where the body fails to produce insulin, necessitating insulin injections or the use of insulin pumps. This type is often referred to as "juvenile diabetes." Type 2 DM, or non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM), results from insulin resistance, where cells do not utilize insulin effectively, with or without an absolute insulin deficiency. This type was previously termed "adult-onset diabetes." The third type is gestational diabetes, occurring when women develop high blood glucose levels during pregnancy, which may precede the development of type 2 DM. Current pharmacotherapy options for managing diabetes mellitus include insulin and oral hypoglycemic agents. These medications work by either enhancing insulin secretion from the pancreas or reducing plasma glucose concentrations, thereby increasing glucose uptake and decreasing gluconeogenesis. However, these treatments do not restore normal glucose homeostasis and typically require lifelong administration. Several herbal remedies have shown efficacy due to their beneficial constituents in treating diabetes and its complications. This review discusses the classification of diabetes, management goals, and both synthetic and herbal treatments for diabetes mellitus.

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