IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

A Review of the General Quadrature Formula for Numerical Integration

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Palak Dasondhi


This review critically evaluates the General Quadrature Formula for Numerical Integration, an essential computational technique used for approximating definite integrals. Numerical integration is vital in areas where analytical solutions are difficult or impossible to obtain, such as in applied mathematics, engineering, and the physical sciences. The General Quadrature Formula encompasses a variety of methods, including the Trapezoidal Rule, Simpson’s Rule, and Gaussian Quadrature, each designed for specific accuracy requirements and computational constraints. The focus of this paper is to dissect the mathematical foundations and practical implementations of these methods. It highlights the error analysis, convergence rates, and conditions under which each method provides optimal performance. Special attention is given to Gaussian Quadrature, renowned for its efficiency in handling polynomial functions. the review discusses adaptations of these techniques for complex scenarios such as multidimensional integrals and functions with discontinuities or singularities. The evolving landscape of numerical integration is also touched upon, with insights into recent developments in adaptive and composite quadrature techniques that enhance accuracy and efficiency.

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