IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

A Review of Soil Pollution by Heavy Metals And Their Impact On Vegetables In Satna District M.P, India

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Manoj Kumar Sharma , Nahid Usmani


This survey expects to investigate the degree of soil contamination by heavy metals in Satna Area, Madhya Pradesh, India, and its subsequent effect on vegetable yields. heavy metal contamination is a squeezing ecological concern internationally, with significant ramifications for rural efficiency and food handling. Satna Locale, a critical farming district, is confronting difficulties because of modern exercises, mining tasks, and rural works on prompting weighty metal defilement in soil. This audit orchestrates existing writing to break down the sources, conveyance, and impacts of weighty metal contamination on vegetable harvests in the area. Moreover, it talks about potential alleviation systems and future examination headings to resolve this basic issue.

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