IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

A Journey through The Shadow Lines: Where Nations Blur and Identities Shift

Main Article Content

Dr. Joji John Panicker, Dr. Ancy Elezabath John


The Shadow Lines by Amitav Ghosh takes apart the established conception of nationhood erected upon permanent boundaries and particular distinctiveness. This article investigates how the tale deconstructs these ideas in the framework of the Bengal division, recommending unconventional structures of correlation founded on collective account, way of life, and individual relationships. The study institutes Ghosh’s consideration of postcolonial themes and the continuous after-effect of the partition. It describes nationhood, highlighting predetermined margins, a united history, and a collective national individuality. The interrelated lives of characters in pre- and post-partition Bengal emphasize the narrative’s dispute with these notions. The essential argument circles around Ghosh’s evaluation of conventional nationhood, the volatility of boundaries, the suffering of separation, and the interconnectedness of beings and the decentering of national uniqueness.

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