IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

A Comprehensive Study of Educational and Demographic Status of the Rural- Urban Fringe Area of Kolhapur City

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Miss. Anita H. Pukale, Dr. Meena B. Potdar


Rural-urban fringe is transition zone between rural and urban area, and it shows both characteristics. Any statistical parameter that impacts population growth or decline can be included in demographics; however, certain criteria are essential: size, density, sex ratio, and population of the fringe area. The rural-urban fringe of the city is a significant area because it shows both urban and rural characteristics. The fringe area consists of 20 villages around Kolhapur city. The Socio-economic development of the fringe area is examined in terms of population, population density, and sex ratio of the fringe villages from 1981 to 2011. And the educational development of fringe areas includes the literacy rate and educational institutes in this area. The current research paper examines the demographic and educational development of fringe areas over a 30-year population period. From 1981 to 2011, the population increased steadily over a 30-year period because the fringe area is near Kolhapur city and the fringe area provides basic services like supplying milk and vegetables, etc., and plays an important role in the city. As a result, an effort has been conducted here to evaluate the demographic and educational growth of the periphery area.

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