IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Vyasa’s Ecological Standpoint in the Mahabharata: A Recherche Research

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Dr. Sumita Mandal


From time immemorial, pristine environment has been one of the major sources of inspiration to the poets, dramatists and writers and our scriptures that give divinity to Nature and ask us to conserve it proclaim that God sleeps in the rocks, dreams in the plants, stirs toward wakefulness in the animals, and spreads in mankind the message of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam – „The Whole Universe is one Family‟. The Mahabharata written by the great sage Veda Vyasa gives a very detailed view on environment of the then time. Like other Holy Indian scriptures the Mahabharata also contains the earliest messages for preservation of environment and ecological balance with the ethical treatment of the human beings with the natural world. The epic gives utmost importance to the relationship between human and nature. Like the Ramayana, the Mahabharata covers rough and mild both the aspects of Nature. The importance of forests in Indian epics can be understood from the fact that the epic devotes a book to the forests called the Aranyaka Parva. Several passages of the BhagavadGita remind us of universal panentheism and advise us not to try to change the environment but to improve it or wrestle with it and if it seems hostile at times tolerate it. Ayurveda was present and practised in the days of Mahabharata. Thus, the Mahabharata inspires us even today as it inquires into human nature, human relationships, man‟s links with Nature, Universe and God and an individual‟s place within the defined society and indefinable self

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