IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


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NamballaSaikumar,Ms.M.Uma Devi


This project entails the development of a real-world Android application in which the user can easily coordinate and maintain all of the relevant facts about a car (such as the registration certificate, insurance, and vehicle's Pollution Under Control Certificate). Quick Response Code (QR-Code) is a very efficient and quick-to-read technique used to scan a variety of items. A vehicle's specifics A secondary application for a vehicle's inspecting authority is also produced to check the information. The vehicle's credentials the authority must scan a unique QR-Code (issued separately for each vehicle inspection) into the smartphone app is a good idea. The basic UI (User Interface) enables for faster identification of objects. The availability (or lack thereof) of key paperwork relevant to that particular car. These are the applications that aid in the saving of a substantial amount of time and resources now spent on this activity in light of the security threats posed by, In addition to exposing user's personal information, more attention has been paid to data security through the use of QR codes and access control to those particulars.

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