IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Vedic Mathematics-Based Instruction And Attitude Towards Mathematics Among School Students

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Yogeshwari. S,H. Indu


Math learning is always found as a hazard by students of all the time. Somehow or other, math is viewed as a complex subject. Most of the learners show no interest in math learning. In this study, the researcher tries to introduce a different method of math, which was there during the Vedic period – Vedic Mathematics. This is based on sutras. Sutras give ways to solve problems. An experimental study was conducted by taking VIII standard students as samples to know how Vedic Mathematics affects the attitude of the learners towards Mathematics. The control group and experimental group consisted of 40 students each. The experimental group was taught with a Vedic Mathematics-based instructional package developed by the researcher and the control samples were taught using the traditional method. The data was collected before and after using the Attitude Scale towards Learning Mathematics prepared by the researcher. Through this study, the researcher found that Vedic Mathematics has no significant effect on the Attitude of VIII-standard students toward learning mathematics.

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