IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Various Multi-Frequency Antenna Design Techniques: A Review

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Prashant Kumar


The paper addresses the requirement for multi banding in Micro Strip Antennas (MSAs), which has been identified as a significant research problem in antenna engineering in the twenty-first century. Statistical analysis/methods: Antennas have had to meet new demands in terms of bandwidth, gain, size, and efficiency as a result of wireless applications that support multiband standards. Recent efforts by a number of researchers around the world to achieve multiband geometry have resulted in the development of new and innovative antenna designs, which are presented in this paper. Findings: This paper provides an overview of different techniques for designing compact, multiband planar antennas for wireless devices and applications. The theoretical concept of achieving a multi-frequency antenna, as well as related design issues, has been discussed in general and briefly. For illustration purposes, design examples, some of which have been published in literature, are presented. This review also includes recent methods such as EBG/AMC, SRR/CRR, FSS, and DGS.

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