IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


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Mohit Bhisht, (Dr.) Man Singh,


The purpose of the study was validation of the Perceptuo Motor Skill Assessment in young table tennis players. For the compilation of the study a total 100 male and 100 female table tennis players aged ranged between 12-18 years were selected as a subject for the study. Perceptuao-motor skill test developed by Irene R Faber et.al (2014) was used for data collection process. This perceptual skill includes eight test items i.e. speed, agility, eye-hand coordination, aiming at target, throwing a ball, ball skills, vertical jump, and speed while dribbling was selected as perceptuo-motor skills. The validity of the test battery was determined by factor analysis in which CFA were used confirm the test items from their respective test battery, Cronbach Alpha Coefficient was used to assess the reliability of the perceptual-motor skill test. Results showed that all the Perceptuo-Motor Skill Test with their batteries loading for the proposed skill test and values ranged from 0.467 to 0.709 which are more than 0.4. Whereas, two of the test batteries’ loadings were very low i.e., aiming at target and its loadings were 0.205, ball skill and its loading were .092 while computing the first order of Goodness of Fit model and accordingly, two of them removed from the model. Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of reliability value obtained was 0.820 for the Perceptuo-Motor Skill Test of 6 items. The value indicates a good internal consistency for the 6 test battery items with the present sample of 200 subjects playing at the national level. So, The findings of the present study validate the Perceptuo-Motor Skill Test of table tennis players on young Indian origin athletes with only six test items i.e. sprint, agility, vertical jump, speed while dribble, throwing the ball and eye-hand coordination . As this study is validate in Indian origin it can be used in a talent identification programme.

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