IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Utilization and Health Advantages of Apple Ber

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Vinay Joseph Silas, Jitender Kumar, Hitesh Gautam, Atul Yadav, KK Mishra


The apple ber cultivar, which originated in Thailand, is becoming more and more popular in India's tropical and subtropical areas. West Bengal, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, and Gujarat are the primary states where it is grown. In contrast to the Indian jujube, its name refers to the fruit's dimensions (green apple). Apple-like qualities can be found in the fruit's form, juiciness, and crispness as well. This cultivar is superior to the traditional ber types in several ways, including fruit size, bearing potential, early bearing, crisp fruit texture, and earliness. Without a doubt, the fruit's biggest draw is its enormous size, although under irrigated conditions, the overall fruit output per plant is lower than other popular kinds like Gola and Umran. Due to its huge fruit size, earliness, precocity in bearing, and other qualities, Apple ber cultivars have become popular among ber producers in arid and semi-arid locations. There were a few problems with Apple ber, such as broken branches or completely tilted plants, low organoleptic quality, uneven fruiting, less fruit set, and increased fruit drop. Plants that are trained in hot, dry conditions are one of the key components that contribute to the sustainable production of high-quality ber fruits. The fruit has been used in traditional medicine as an emollient, expectorant, cooling agent, anodyne, and tonic, as well as an antidote for aconite poisoning. It is given to expectant mothers to relieve upset stomachs, and it can be applied topically to wounds. Ber goes by the names Poor Man Apple, King of Arid Fruits, and Poor Man Fruits.

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