IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Using AI to Create Unprecedented Visual Effects for Animated Film

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V. Siva Krishna Reddy1,, Priyanka Ankireddy2,*, Dr.V. Lokeswara Reddy2,


When one's material situation improves, they have a greater appreciation for entertainment that enriches their soul.The popularity of movies and TV series with spiritual themes continues to rise. But the film business has grown exponentially, and so has the output of animated movies. Consumers want a system that can quickly and accurately search massive databases for their favorite anime films. New forms of visual expression in animated films are investigated using AI and ML in this study.This article sets the scene for the recent improvements and enhancements, which make use of ML technology as a starting point for investigating new techniques and models to better movie visual representation and propose thinking that is vital to the creative growth of cinema. The visual language of Hollywood's "Kung Fu Pandanews" is studied by a convolutional neural network. The film is referenced throughout the piece. Accuracy on the test set was found to stay at 57% even after the modelparameters were determined. Improving the originality and aesthetic quality of films and encouraging the sustainable growth of the film industry are of paramount importance.

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