IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Use of Unconventional Marketing Approach for Start-Ups: Guerrilla Marketing Techniques

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Dr. Meeta Pathade, Mrs. Rohini Madavi


The study is conceptual and descriptive in nature. Guerrilla Marketing is an innovative marketing strategy used to effectively communicate about products and services. There are several techniques of guerrilla Marketing like Ambient, Ambush, Wild posting, Viral etc. Appropriate use of technique helps the Start-Up companies to communicate the message strongly to the target audience. The research paper is secondary in nature. It is a descriptive study and aims to convey conceptual framework of Guerrilla Marketing and its various techniques. The study concluded that Guerrilla Marketing helps to attract consumers attention and creates positive image of the product. Consumers are aware about traditional advertising but guerrilla marketing brings result and it is reflected in the profit of the company.

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